Monday, December 12, 2011

So this is what finals week feels like

I've never been one to stress tests. In fact, until college I never truly studied for a test. Even when I did, it was rare. I never understood why my friends would freak out and lock themselves in their rooms with nothing but their notes, books, and other study materials. My room has never been messier, my eyebrows have never looked so wild, and I haven't put in my contacts for days. Don't even begin to get me started on the sleep deprivation, stress, and overall anxiety I've been feeling for the past few days.

I hate finals, but the only person I have to blame for this is myself. Instead of getting myself off to a good start I tripped and feel right on the start line, and now its time to make up for it. I give too many details about my study habits seeing as I need to get back to the books soon, but I can say this: I have never been so grossed out by my living arrangements and personal hygiene. (Though I am proud to admit I've showered everyday thus far.)

Thanks all I have for now. Wish me luck.

Love, Bear

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