Thursday, December 8, 2011

Happy Birthday to the best friend in the whole wide world

On this day in history...

John Lennon was assassinated in New York City.
George Washington's retreating army in the American Revolution crossed the Delaware River from New Jersey to Pennsylvania.
On the show "I Love Lucy," a pregnancy was acknowledged in a TV show for the first time. 
Los Angeles became the third largest city in the United States.
12 alternate jurors were chosen for the O.J. Simpson murder trial. 
Mary conceived Jesus.

And probably most importantly Katherine Marie Barrett was born! That's right my best friend in the whole why world entered the world today. Katie is the best friend that anyone could ask for. She is not only one of the most considerate people I have ever met, but she is the most accepting and forgiving. She is not only gorgeous, but she is beautiful on the inside to. Being friends with her makes me a better person. And while we don't always get along I cannot imagine life without her. She wasn't my first best friend, but she has been my best friend for the longest.

In the words of John Lenonard:

"It takes a long time to grow and old friend."

And there is no friend I would rather grow older with. 

So here's to the memories we've made, the moments we live in, and the great times that are yet to come. Happy Birthday Katie. 


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