Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Pleasant Surprises

I've have some great moments today. First off, I met the mailman at the mailboxes, and for those of you who don't know, my package has been stuck in the mailbox for almost a week now. Nothing could've been better than having him hand me my package, and have the same difficulties I had opening the package box. I can't begin to tell you how stupid I would've felt.

Also, I got an amazing nights sleep last night and haven't even needed to nap. And I got my period! Which means that I won't get it twice on my vacation. Maybe just maybe, I won't get it at all on my vacation. That would be fabulous. Well off to study for my Cross Cultural Journalism final tomorrow.

After tomorrow, not only will I not have anymore classes after tomorrow, but only two finals and 10 days will stand in between me and Australia.

Well off to study. Wish me luck.


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