Friday, December 16, 2011

t-2 days

I can't believe it the time has finally come. Now, it's become a hassle to manage two blog accounts at the same time, so from now until I come back from my trip I will be blogging only on my Australian blog. So you can find me there.

Love, Bear

Thursday, December 15, 2011

One down, one to go

Melbourne, Australia at night. I can't wait!
Well, I'm finally done with one of my finals. Unfortunately it wasn't my hardest one. Or does that make it fortunately because now I have an extra day to study? Either way I just want to be done. I am dreading this econ final. For those of you who took macroeconomics, I'm sure you feel my pain. I swear the only thing getting me through today is knowing that in three days I will be on my way to Australia. Well there's that, and the fact that I'm going to a gay bar with my roommate Stevee tonight to celebrate (barely) surviving this semester. Okay, so we're really going to support her co-worker who just got out of a relationship with his boyfriend, but who said we can't make the most of this. Besides, I've been doing some talking with all the roomies, and we've decided that I need a good gay guy friend. I mean come on, who could better understand my divalicous ways?

Well off to study. Wish me luck.

Love, Bear

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

First final

Well the day has finally arrived. My first official final of 1st semester sophomore year. I'm not worried about this one. It my econ final that's really scaring me. Wish me luck

Love, Bear

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Monday, December 12, 2011

So this is what finals week feels like

I've never been one to stress tests. In fact, until college I never truly studied for a test. Even when I did, it was rare. I never understood why my friends would freak out and lock themselves in their rooms with nothing but their notes, books, and other study materials. My room has never been messier, my eyebrows have never looked so wild, and I haven't put in my contacts for days. Don't even begin to get me started on the sleep deprivation, stress, and overall anxiety I've been feeling for the past few days.

I hate finals, but the only person I have to blame for this is myself. Instead of getting myself off to a good start I tripped and feel right on the start line, and now its time to make up for it. I give too many details about my study habits seeing as I need to get back to the books soon, but I can say this: I have never been so grossed out by my living arrangements and personal hygiene. (Though I am proud to admit I've showered everyday thus far.)

Thanks all I have for now. Wish me luck.

Love, Bear

Sunday, December 11, 2011

A loss

The bears lost today. Not the best. Studying is consuming my life. And I don't know how much more I can take.

Love, Bear

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Pictures worth a thousand words

I will proudly admit that I have been in my pajamas all day. I didn't change out of them until well after 3:00. I worked out in them. I got the mail in them. And paraded around my house in my bright orange american eagle boxers and semi matching crop top. This could've been the ugliest, laziest, completely outrageous outfit I've worn all semester. But it was also the comfiest. This got me thinking. Why aren't there more pajama parties at college. Not only are they (sometimes) cute, but they are also comfortable. As I came to the conclusion that pajamas are completely underrated I couldn't help but be pissed that someone hadn't taken this idea and ran with it. Long story short I want someone to have a pajama party, and I would appreciate it if I were invited. Pillow fights would be required.

Aside from the lack of pajama parties out there I did have an eventual weekend. I made some new friends who like to play Rock Band. I went to a fun party (not pajama themed). Saw the Magic Tree when it was actually lit, and had a beautiful feast with my floor from last year. Since it is finals week I don't have time to bore you with the details, but pictures are worth a thousand words.

Love, Bear

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Happy Birthday Pete

A father is a very influential person in a girl's life. He is the really the first relationship that girl will ever have with a man. I for one couldn't be happier to have my dad. He is the best dad in the world. Now I might be a little impartial to think that, but I wouldn't trade him for the world. Pete is obnoxious, annoying, and sometimes make me want to pull my hair out because he can be the biggest pain in my ass.

But he also is the most funny man I have ever met. He loves me unconditionally and has provided me with so much in my life. He can fix just about everything, and never forgets to keep his children humble. As cheesy as it sounds some of my favorite memories are with my dad. I will never forget the daddy daughter dances he took me to for Girl Scouts, or the countless fishing trips. But once of my favorite memories isn't really a memory at all, but a string of Sundays spent with my dad at Kaiser's watching the Bears play and drinking Diet Cokes and beer while sharing some french fries.

Only my dad and I can understand our relationship and just how deep our love for each other goes. I couldn't imagine my life without my daddy. He has supported me through out my whole life, and helps me to relax and enjoy life.

He also pushes me to try new things and see new places. His confidence in me proves to me that I can overcome any challenge, and that he will always be there to support me and back me up if need be. He is far from perfect, even though he'll never admit it. With that being said he is the perfect dad for me.

Happy Birthday Dad. I love you.

Love, Bear

Happy Birthday to the best friend in the whole wide world

On this day in history...

John Lennon was assassinated in New York City.
George Washington's retreating army in the American Revolution crossed the Delaware River from New Jersey to Pennsylvania.
On the show "I Love Lucy," a pregnancy was acknowledged in a TV show for the first time. 
Los Angeles became the third largest city in the United States.
12 alternate jurors were chosen for the O.J. Simpson murder trial. 
Mary conceived Jesus.

And probably most importantly Katherine Marie Barrett was born! That's right my best friend in the whole why world entered the world today. Katie is the best friend that anyone could ask for. She is not only one of the most considerate people I have ever met, but she is the most accepting and forgiving. She is not only gorgeous, but she is beautiful on the inside to. Being friends with her makes me a better person. And while we don't always get along I cannot imagine life without her. She wasn't my first best friend, but she has been my best friend for the longest.

In the words of John Lenonard:

"It takes a long time to grow and old friend."

And there is no friend I would rather grow older with. 

So here's to the memories we've made, the moments we live in, and the great times that are yet to come. Happy Birthday Katie. 


Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Pleasant Surprises

I've have some great moments today. First off, I met the mailman at the mailboxes, and for those of you who don't know, my package has been stuck in the mailbox for almost a week now. Nothing could've been better than having him hand me my package, and have the same difficulties I had opening the package box. I can't begin to tell you how stupid I would've felt.

Also, I got an amazing nights sleep last night and haven't even needed to nap. And I got my period! Which means that I won't get it twice on my vacation. Maybe just maybe, I won't get it at all on my vacation. That would be fabulous. Well off to study for my Cross Cultural Journalism final tomorrow.

After tomorrow, not only will I not have anymore classes after tomorrow, but only two finals and 10 days will stand in between me and Australia.

Well off to study. Wish me luck.


Tuesday, December 6, 2011


The last thing I want to be doing right now is studying for finals. I mean really who wants to sit down and reread the countless notes you took for the whole year. Especially with ABC's 25 Days of Christmas on, its  the perfect distraction. It's almost like I'm not supposed to study. I said ALMOST. Sadly, I'm trying to drag my butt away from the TV and back to the desk. This would happen the one year I'm actually trying to get in the holiday spirit. Ugh. Well on the plus side I only have 12 more days until I'm in Australia, and only three finals that stand in my way. Well off to study.


Monday, December 5, 2011


13 days until I leave for Australia :) can't wait. But in other news, I've been having random severe shoulder and ankle pains. I have no idea how these came to be, and I'm pretty sure they aren't related.


Oh and also the swimsuit experiment seems to be successful... In creeping out my roommates and making me appear naked to people on the streets. More to come.


Sunday, December 4, 2011

Random Fact

If you ever leave something at Wal-Mart go to customer services, they have records of what was bought when and will often give you what you forgot.

Would've liked to know this earlier in the year, but I can dig it.


Saturday, December 3, 2011

The answer

Before I left to party last night I left you with a question: Is life really what you make it? And I also promised to try to find the answer. As I sit here writing this entry eating my roommate's cookie dough, I can honestly answer that time is what you make of it.

My night started off with loads of potential. My friends and I were going to the Cottages; which is the classiest student living at Mizzou. However, maybe five minutes or so after we arrived the cops had been called, and we left before the police had the chance to give us MIPs. 

Having left the first party, we decided to try our luck at Cross Creek. Cross Creek could be the farthest place to live if you are a student. We didn't have a lot of the details at the party, but we went on anyway. That party turned out to be more of a small gathering with close friends. It would've been a great time if we actually knew the people there. We left after ten minutes.

We had one more party to go to. We went to go visit my friend Kailyn at the Grove. It was a long ride, but it was fun. Molly and I sang Christmas music, while everyone else just laughed at us. The next party wasn't awful if Creepy Fingers wasn't there. (If you want to know why he's called that, put your mind in the gutter... And you'll probably be right). We talked to Kailyn for a bit, but then parted ways. 

Our night ended with us looking for the Magic Tree. Keep in mind this was at 2 in the morning. So the tree was off, but had the lights been on it would've looked pretty cool. (see right). 

And even though we didn't do anything that would be considered super fun or really worth mentioning. I had an awesome time last night. 

I guess it does go to show that you make your own fun. And last night is a perfect example of that. 


Friday, December 2, 2011

First Blog

I started blogging at the beginning of my fall semester of my sophomore year. My multimedia journalism class required us to blog for a grade. We started off being able to blog about whatever we wanted for the first few weeks, but then we had to start blogging about lectures, which as you can imagine is boring. That being said, I love to blog now. Even if no one reads it, this is a way to express how you feel.

I can't help feeling like Carrie Bradshaw as I type away on Mac. Only unlike her I don't live in New York, and as much as it kills me to say it I am not as fabulous as she is. However, we do share the same love of shoes.

I'm often told that my life deserves to have its own TV show, but the funny thing about that is life isn't interesting 100% of the time. Take now for instance. I was just dumped last month from a non-relationship and today I got a 20% penalty on my final exam from my Management 1010 class because I forgot to bring my ID. Honestly, the most exciting thing going on in my life right now is the fact that in 16 days I will be in Australia.

Okay, so my life isn't all that dull. But seriously it seems like nothing new is going on. There aren't any news boys in my life, and the year is coming to an end. Is this what the college experience is supposed to stack up to? A whole lot of nothings with the occasional drunk night. I can't help but think there is supposed to be something more.

I've often been told that life is what you make it. I plan to test out that theory tonight. My friends and I are going to an ugly sweater party at the Cottages, and I plan on acting a fool. I'll be sure to let you know how that went tomorrow; if I'm not too hungover that is...

But until then, raise your glass and repeat after me:

"Here's to you,
here's to me,
best friends we'll always be,
and if we ever disagree,
when then FUCK YOU,
and here's to me."
