Monday, February 27, 2012

I'm twenty!

I still don't know how I feel about that fact. I've entered the third decade of my life. I officially feel old.

I remember when I was young and I never thought I would make it high school, and now I'm almost half way finished with college.

And 20 years old.

I think I'm going to start denying my real age now. It's normal to lie about your age once you hit thirty, but no one believes you then so maybe its better to start the lie early. One thing I will say about my second 19th birthday is that it was fabulous.

"Are you getting your drinks the same way you're getting your beads" - Pete
Kibby - "I sure hope not!"
I spent it with all my singles ladies (Katie, Margaret, and Annmarie) at Saint Louis University (SLU). But this wasn't any ordinary weekend visit. It was Mardi Gras. This made the time so much better. Most people hate having their birthdays overshadowed by big events. I on the other hand welcome large celebrations. Everyone is happy, and there is not mention of me adding another adding another year to my life.

It was a great time. We galavanted around town stealing beads from unsuspecting victims. The girls and I were even lucky enough to snag us some cute sEXy hats from Sigma Chi. The weekend was some what of a blur. There was a huge parade and countless hours of dancing at Lacledes.

Sorry for such a bad post. It's been a while, and I had to update.

Love, bear

P.S. For the record my friends and I are classy ladies, and never had to flash anyone for our beads. We simply said we wanted them, and got them ;)

P.P.S. All my single ladies... Put your hands up!

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