Saturday, June 23, 2012

Long Awaited Post

It's been a while since my last post, but sad to say not much has happened. I have mainly just been working out, laying by the pool, going to class, and working. I know I live a busy life. But over the past few weeks I have had some amazing triumphs.

I left my story waiting for hear from the journalism school, and after talking to my advisor I found out the sad truth that I will not hear from the J-school until early August. I would be lying if I said the agony wasn't killing me.

Staying on the subject of school I am doing great in my accounting class. I ended up getting a 91% on our first test!

Cute isn't it?
I also discovered Urban Outfitters was having a free shipping weekend, and as a result I am now the new owner of high-waisted denim shorts. Two days after receiving my shorts I also got another package from Urban. My mom being the fabulous mother she is bought me the sky blue blazer I have been yearning for, and also surprised me with earrings to match.

In other news I also finally made $2,000 for in-state tuition! All I need to do is get a Missouri license and become a registered voter in the state of Missouri. This is becoming a successful summer.

Sadly, I thought I would have more to talk about, but I can't think of anything else. Well, time to make a list of things, and first on the list is to get a life!

Love, bear

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