Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Shocking News

I just recently got some sad news. Kelsey, my dog of thirteen years is going to be put down with in the next few weeks. Now, I'm not a very emotional person, and it is very seldom I cry. It is almost unheard of me crying in public, but that's what happened.

I called my dad today after reading a text asking me to. Little did I know what he had to tell, so I called him on my break. As he told me the news I felt myself holding back tears. To everyone else it might seem like I never liked my dog, but the truth is I love Kelsey. I love her and hate her at the same time.

I am going to miss her ruining my black outfits.

I am going to miss the nights I spent cuddling her and taking care of her because I couldn't sleep.

I am going to miss taking her to dog park.

I am going to miss brushing her.

I am going to miss taking her on walks and runs.

I am really going to miss everything about her.

I remember convincing my parents we should have a dog; I even went as far as to say I would pick up the poop. Of course I have yet to pick up a single piece (at least from my backyard).

I'm not going to lie: Kelsey was a pain in the butt. But she was our pain in the butt, and the house won't be the same without her.

There won't be as much dog hair.

It will be completely empty when no one's home.

All of her things will be gone.

It will actually be silent.

A member of our family won't be there any more.

I dedicate this post to the my favorite little puppy. I can't wait to see you when I get home.

Love, bear

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Long Awaited Post

It's been a while since my last post, but sad to say not much has happened. I have mainly just been working out, laying by the pool, going to class, and working. I know I live a busy life. But over the past few weeks I have had some amazing triumphs.

I left my story waiting for hear from the journalism school, and after talking to my advisor I found out the sad truth that I will not hear from the J-school until early August. I would be lying if I said the agony wasn't killing me.

Staying on the subject of school I am doing great in my accounting class. I ended up getting a 91% on our first test!

Cute isn't it?
I also discovered Urban Outfitters was having a free shipping weekend, and as a result I am now the new owner of high-waisted denim shorts. Two days after receiving my shorts I also got another package from Urban. My mom being the fabulous mother she is bought me the sky blue blazer I have been yearning for, and also surprised me with earrings to match.

In other news I also finally made $2,000 for in-state tuition! All I need to do is get a Missouri license and become a registered voter in the state of Missouri. This is becoming a successful summer.

Sadly, I thought I would have more to talk about, but I can't think of anything else. Well, time to make a list of things, and first on the list is to get a life!

Love, bear

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Long time

I know it's been a long time since I've written. I've been quite busy, or at least I like to think so. It's kind of like my life has been so busy I haven't had time to write about it; I just have to live it. I finished applying for the journalism school (which I still haven't heard about). I ended my my spring semester, and am officially a junior. I also went home for a bit where I saw my family and friends.

I also start accounting tomorrow. But for the past few weeks I have been working, laying out, and working out. I guess you could say I am living the dream. Hopefully it will all be worth it. Well I'm beat. a 30 hour work week will do that to you. (Hey, it's a lot for me. I don't think I've ever worked this much!)

Love, bear