Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Is it too early...

... for a New Year's resolution that is. Two years ago I decided to go vegetarian and run a half marathon. I did both because until losing ten pounds or taking up pottery. These were little things I had to do everyday to ensure I stuck with my goal. 

My New Year's resolution this was to not eat fast food. Needless to say I failed at that. 

So for 2013 I want to do this: 

I was researching races, and this really got me. 

'If you want to succeed as much as you want to breathe, you will be successful.'

Those words really stuck. Not only do I want to be successful in my life, but physically I want to challenge myself. This will surely be a challenge. 

I want to use this blog as a way to track my training. I want to have the people I love hold me accountable for my actions, and to be able to call me out should I let my training slip. 

I think this is it. It's time to get serious. I hope that my determination in the physical aspect of my life will help me mentally as well. 

Only time will tell.

love, bear

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