Friday, March 2, 2012

Life check, please

Chipotle must be rubbing off on me.
I actually cooked something successfully. 
I can't remember the last time I pulled an all nighter. In fact, I'm sure that I haven't. That is right; never in my 20 years of existence have I stayed up for a full night doing homework. I think the latest I ever stayed up for school was until two or three in the morning to finish my final draft for my final paper in Freshman English. The paper was about the differences and similarities between Dr. Suess's How the Grinch Stole Christmas TV special and the hit holiday movie of 2000, The Grinch. 

It was the longest and hardest I had ever worked on a paper, and it showed. I know I got an A on it, but I can't remember the percentage. This brings me to tonight, or should I say early morning.

As you hopefully know, I have been working at Chipotle for about a month now. It has its ups and downs like any job, but overall I enjoy working there. EXCEPT when I have to close. Well, closing isn't that bad. I wouldn't mind it really if I was scheduled to close. I was supposed to work from 4:45 - 8:30 tonight, but the closer got sick. My manager Ryan asked if I could close, and I stated I had homework, but if he absolutely needed someone I would. About an hour later he informed my I needed to close.

Thus far have proved useless in combating caffeine. 
This would've been okay with me, if I hadn't saved all my homework for the next day to do after I got off work. Fast forward to 12:30-something. I had just made it back from work. I wasn't exhausted, but I didn't have the energy to do my homework. So I had the brilliant idea of making tea. Fast forward again, to 3:19. My homework is done, but now I can't sleep. The tea has me so energized I can't fall asleep. I have quite the delimma. I took a sleeping aid vitamin known as melatonin. It normally helps me go to sleep, but I have never taken it to counteract tea, and so far it doesn't seem to be working.

Alas, instead of laying in bed pretending that I will magically fall asleep I decided my time could be better occupied. So I'm doing things that need to get done. Unfortunately my room is already clean, and my laundry has been done (aside from the last two days). This leaves very few things for me to actually do to be productive.

I could go grocery shopping.

But that is dangerous, even though Wal-Mart and Hy-vee are still open I don't want to risk walking in the parking lot alone at 3:30 in the morning.

I could get ahead of my reading.

Which I probably will do after this if I can't fall asleep.

I could watch TV or movie.

But I ruled that out, because that really won't help me accomplish anything.

Or I could blog.

I obviously found this to be the most productive solution for the time being.

No more naps for this bear.
Besides, with my busy schedule how else would you know that I have given up snacking and naps for Lent. (Only 36 days left to go might I add!) I also successfully cooked eggplant! Along with that, I am only $1626.72 away from achieving the amount of money I need to make to be considered an in-state resident at Mizzou. Not too shabby considering I rarely ever broke $100 on any of my Delia's paychecks that I can remember (not counting holiday).

I guess my day could be much worse. After all the weather was beautiful, and I ended up getting such a good night's sleep last night that I slept through my alarm. I only missed one class, and the teacher said I could make up all the work in his offices hours. Sorry, mom. Won't happen again. And the great news? IT"S FRIDAY!

Three cheers for the weekend!

Love, bear